Beyond the Dawn is Available Now

Over two years since its release, Tales of Arise’s first expansion, Beyond the Dawn, is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and PC. Set after the main story, it sees Alphen, Shionne, and their allies encountering the mysterious Nazamil. As the daughter of a Renan Lord and Dahnan Slave, they seek to protect her and perhaps change her fate. Check out the launch trailer below, though be warned of spoilers for the base game.

Beyond the Dawn offers new story quests, subquests and dungeons to explore, along with six additional costumes. You also get the Silver Weapon Collection for new silver-colored weapon skins and the Travel Support Pack with five instant levels, CP, Gald and fishing gear. Unfortunately, those who completed the base game can’t carry over their gear, items and unlocked skills.

Instead, Beyond the Dawn offers a pre-made party as you go about unlocking things again. It’s not the biggest deal-breaker for those jumping in for the first time, but longtime players who care about their progress should take note.