Revenant Hill Cancelled, Developer Suspends Operations

Revenant Hill, the next game from The Glory Society of Night in the Woods fame, has effectively been cancelled. The developer also tweeted that it was suspending operations due to two key members stepping away indefinitely due to “recent serious health issues.”

“We’ve been lucky to have one such good team. Unfortunately, recent serious health issues have necessitated two key members stepping away from the project indefinitely. We are a small team, and we each wear multiple hats. This is a loss of several hard-to-replace hats in an environment where all hats are needed.

“Given the realities of schedules, budgets, and the fraught task of reworking the whole project within those parameters, the team has amicably decided to suspend operations. For all intents and purposes, this is the end of the development of Revenant Hill.”

The developer noted that this decision was made “as a group” and that the clear path to take is the team’s well-being, “which is frankly more important than games. In the future, after the dust has settled, perhaps we’ll talk about what we’ve made and learned together. In the meantime, we want to thank everyone who worked with us, supported us, and believed in us.”

Revenant Hill was in development for PS4, PS5 and PC and followed a cat named Twigs. Set in 1919, she would live near a graveyard and have to pay rent, which could be done by growing and selling crops. Players would encounter all kinds of individuals throughout the story, from ghosts and witches to demons, with the ultimate goal of becoming a witch’s familiar.

While The Glory Society handled development, publisher Finji handled QA and marketing, and Secret Lab developed the dialogue system. Priscilla Snow, who worked on Immortality and A Good Snowman is Hard to Build, was the composer, while A Shell in the Pit handled sound design.