Next Mass Effect’s Recent Teaser Was In-Engine

To celebrate N7 Day, BioWare released a brief new teaser trailer for the next instalment in the Mass Effect franchise yesterday, revealing a new character sporting N7 colours and seemingly being set up as the series’ next protagonist (though all may not necessarily be as it seems).

In the aftermath of the teaser’s reveal, the developer has also confirmed additional information about it. Romain Toutain, who is the Franchise Technical Director for Mass Effect, took to Twitter after the teaser premiered and confirmed that it was comprised entirely of in-engine footage, rather than being a CG trailer, as some may have suspected.

“Can’t wait for you to see what the team is building,” Toutain added.

The next Mass Effect game was first confirmed to be in development in December of 2020, while another teaser trailer was also revealed on N7 Day last year. The game is being developed on Unreal Engine 5, while recent leaks have also claimed that, unlike 2017’s Mass Effect: Andromeda, it won’t be open world.

As for when the game will be out, that’s still a ways off yet. In June, BioWare confirmed that it was still in pre-production.