Mass Effect Post-Nebula Tease Revealed!

Image: BioWare

N7 Day is a beloved day in the Mass Effect community and the fans have been rewarded with more information on the next game in the Mass Effect series. This was revealed on the website after a countdown finished.

The countdown on the page idled for a good few minutes and then a trailer was shown. This trailer seems to be a second part of the one we reported on earlier. There’s not much to get but you may be able to decipher it. Here are both videos:

Video One

This first video was unlisted on YouTube and just showed a person walking down a hall.

Video Two

All it shows is the same person we saw before walking away. It’s not much of a reveal but we do know this person is an N7 based on their outfit. I know it’s humanoid now, but it looks like it could be the main character for the next game.

When on the website before the countdown ended, fans would be treated with a message alongside a countdown. The message had the access code of Post-Nebula and a “time until description completed” meaning that someone was breaking in to find out more information. Here is the message:



[Time Clock]

Mass Effect Post-Nebula website

The Mass Effect Post-Nebula was a mystery, with multiple people not knowing what it was. Anticipation was in the air as each minute and second counted down. More information was definitely welcome in a community that hadn’t heard more about Mass Effect’s future for years.

I am excited to see a tease of what’s coming and I am really glad to know that Mass Effect will continue. Hopefully, BioWare can do justice to a series that was once as big as Assassin’s Creed, Halo, and Call of Duty.