Share your Pocket Gamer Connects Memories and win 2 tickets to the show | Pocket

In 2024, we’ll be celebrating 10 incredible years of Pocket Gamer Connects, which regularly brings together thousands of games industry professionals to network and learn (and have some fun too!).

We’ll be posting retrospectives on the last 10 years, and as part of that, we’d love to here from you about your favourites stories from the show.

Let us know how your first PG Connects conference went or how you connected with an investor or business partner. If you are an award-winner, tell us how this made you feel. If you have a favourite show, let us know what you love about it. And don’t forget the parties and the mixers – the funny, unforgettable or dramatic! We’d love to hear all of it!

We know many attendees return, time and again, and we would love to know what it is which keeps you coming back to us.

Steel Media COO Dave Bradley shared his own memories of his first PGC: “That first show had a very friendly vibe which I think we’ve maintained throughout the ten years. I walked in and was immediately embraced by some indie developers and wound up having a drink with them and finding out all about what they’d done. That welcoming, games industry vibe was there right out of the box and it’s been there ever since.”

Win tickets to PGC

If you submit your PGC Story, you could be lucky enough to win two tickets to PG Connects London (January 22-23, 2024) or PG Connects San Francisco (March 18-19, 2024).

The choice, if you win, is yours! Submit your stories here to be in with a chance to get those free tickets.