Jagged Alliance 3 Gets New Trailers Explaining Console Controls Ahead of Console Release

Developer Haemimont Games has released new trailers for Jagged Alliance 3, this time around showcasing the game’s console release and how it will play with a controller. The trailer comes just a couple of weeks before the game’s release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

There are two trailers, with one showcasing the Xbox controller and the other showcasing the PlayStation controller. Both videos essentially act as tutorials for how the game will play without the use of a mouse and keyboard combo. This ranges from explaining camera movement, to more minute aspects like navigation, conversations, and even the use of the Command menu.

The console release for Jagged Alliance 3 was announced back in September. The release will include cross-generation multiplayer, allowing PS4 and PS5 players to play together, and similarly, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S players to play together.

For more details on the original PC release of Jagged Alliance 3, check out our review.