Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Early Access is Now Live

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launches worldwide next week for consoles and PC, but pre-orders can access the campaign now. Activision has released a new trailer for the same, highlighting Vladimir Makarov, the new main villain. Check it out below.

Makarov does several things, from attacking civilians on a plane to rallying troops in a hangar. In the meantime, Task Force 141 assembles, with one mission seeing Ghost and Farah sniping in a snowy landscape. Aside from linear story sequences, the campaign also offers Open Combat missions set in large maps where players can take different approaches.

There are many tools available to accomplish objectives, whether it’s going in guns blazing or stealthily taking out enemies. You can change loadouts via the Arsenal mid-mission or even commandeer vehicles. Multiplayer and Zombies will go live on November 10th, but you can pre-load those on November 8th, 9 AM PT. Head here for more details on the game and what to expect.