Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) campaign spoilers have leaked online

Modern Warfare 3 campaign spoilers are already surfacing online. If you don’t want to get spoiled, then my advice is to stay out of any MW3 online circles and, just in case, avoid the internet entirely.

For those who have pre-ordered (and pre-loaded) Modern Warfare 3, the Modern Warfare 3 campaign goes live on November 2, 2023, at 10am PT. This is when you can expect the flood of Modern Warfare 3 spoilers to come in.

Related: Use this trick to play the COD MW3 campaign early

Though there are already Modern Warfare 3 campaign spoilers poisoning the internet, they are harder to find and usually require some digging. Though you can fall into them while perusing the web, the majority of spoilers are missable… for now.

However, after November 2, Modern Warfare 3 campaign spoilers will be abundant. If you aren’t pre-ordering MW3 and thus don’t have early access to the campaign, good luck. Avoiding spoilers will be challenging, but hopefully, you can resist and the spoilers won’t be too abrasive.

While I’m planning on playing the MW3 campaign early, if I wasn’t, I would take the weekend to enjoy another game. The Finals is having its open beta and it’s a really fun game. Also, the Fortnite OG season starts on November 2. You can use that to distract you from seeing any MW3 campaign spoilers.

Along with the stray spoiler here and there, a majority of Call of Duty content creators are warning their followers now that come November 2, they will start posting Modern Warfare 3 campaign spoilers. There are some COD content creators who aren’t going to post spoilers; I would suggest following them to stay in the know about everything MW3 without getting the campaign spoiled.

If you don’t care about Modern Warfare 3 spoilers, you might as well dive in and read up on all the confirmed campaign missions in MW3. We’re in for a wild ride and I don’t think I’m ready.

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