Haze Piece Flying Broom – How to Get

Image: GamerNom

In Haze Piece, the Flying Broom is a must-have for players who need a convenient way to travel without relying on their boat. This guide will help you understand how to acquire the Flying Broom in Haze Piece so you can soar through the game world with ease.

 If you’re in need of some free rewards, you should consider heading to our codes page, which contains all of the freebies that exist in the game.

How to Get the Flying Broom in Haze Piece

To get the Flying Broom in Haze Piece, you’ll need to collect and spend 10,000 Candies at the Candy Market NPC located on Sea One’s Starter Island. This is the only method to acquire this flying mount. Even though this is 5,500 more candy than the Dual Axe. Having a flying method of transport if you do not own a fruit transformation is well worth it.

How to Earn Candy in Haze Piece

To collect Candy in Haze Piece, you’ll have to defeat enemies, but there’s a condition: the enemies must be at least 100 levels above your own. So, if you’re at level 75, aim for enemies at level 175 or higher. Enemies below this threshold won’t drop any Candy. This mechanism ensures that high-level players can’t farm low-level areas, maintaining a balanced gameplay experience for all during the Halloween Event.

The quantity of Candy you can earn depends on the type of enemy:

  • Regular NPC: Provides 1 Candy
  • Boss: Provides 4 Candy
  • SuperBoss: Provides 10 Candy

How to Find the Candy Market NPC in Haze Piece?

Haze Piece Candy Merchant
Image: Builderboy TV

Once you’ve gathered sufficient Candy, head over to the Candy Market NPC to trade them for the Flying Broom. You’ll find this NPC in Sea One, specifically on Starter Island. Starting from the AFK Rewards point, take a left and continue straight towards the docks to find the NPC.