Dead Island 2 Haus DLC Review – Hell-A Horror Story

Dead Island 2 was a game I gushed about on release, and I stand by my experience. The unique and highly gory hack and slash had ten years of anticipation behind it, and I wouldn’t call it a disappointment. Since then, the game has received mixed reviews from fans and other critics, which mostly sound something along the lines of “the gameplay is fun, but the writing is lackluster.”

Enter Haus, Dead Island 2’s newest DLC, where it really feels like the writers had something to prove, and if you asked me, they proved it. Haus’ writing, set design, and atmosphere are spectacularly executed and deliciously spooky, creating a captivating experience that, honestly, flexes on the base game.

Haus can be accessed right after you leave the hotel early on in Dead Island 2’s story. This is done via a mysterious letter invitation that shows up in Emma’s mansion. Interacting with it will result in your slayer mysteriously appearing outside the Haus itself. “Oh,” I thought, a dorky smile slowly spreading across my face. “This is gonna be one of those stories.”

Screenshot: Try Hard Guides

Right away, Haus sets up the tone of the entire DLC by letting you know the supernatural is not off the table. Zombie mythology has become so rooted in virology and pandemics that some may mistake the genre for science fiction. Haus boldly ventures into a setting ambiguously supernatural and a bit sci-fi as well, and it pays off so well when you get to absorb this DLC’s juicy atmosphere.

The primary location in Haus is this strange, seemingly living manor home of the elusive Konstantin and his chosen death cult—a cult that blends technology and superstition. They apparently predicted the oncoming apocalypse but just didn’t prepare quite on time. Overrun by zombies, the cult needs you to do some light self-indoctrination and save them from the undead before their beloved leader is taken from them.

The cult living in Haus is undoubtedly strange, existing in a moral gray area, not bad but not good either. The story of this creepy place and the cult’s gruesome nature is told as you follow in the footsteps of Hope, a young indoctrinate, listening to audio recordings of the terrible trials the charming and terrifying Yong-Ho puts her through.

Not everyone may agree, but the look and feel of Haus remind me of American Horror Story. It’s hardly what I would call derivative, though, absolutely oozing originality in its eerie ambiance. Every part of the house is an art piece, a deadly living trap, and a maze where the more you cling to your expectations of normalcy the harder it will be to progress.

Dead Island 2 Haus Deeper
Screenshot: Try Hard Guides

Even the zombies in Haus get a thematic makeover, wearing skin-tight latex suits that give them a creepy, avant-garde look to match the rest of the setting.

While you can start the DLC early and play through the majority of it before completing Dead Island 2’s story, the game’s second half is entirely dependent on powers you unlock through the main missions. If you find yourself unable to progress, you can return to Hell-A and come back once you’ve made enough progress, but players already deep enough in the story can get through Haus in one go.

Dead Island 2 Haus Arms
Screenshot: Try Hard Guides

You might call Haus the perfect DLC. The self-contained story allows Dead Island 2 to explore different tones and narrative themes in a setting drastically different from its main experience without feeling like a complete departure from the mechanics or world-building the game has already set up. When you return to the main game, the only thing different about the experience will be your own added context.

I’ve already gushed about Haus’ set designs, but the few characters and boss fights you encounter are also some of the most memorable in the game for me. These boss fights aren’t all that mechanically unique, and all things considered, the gameplay is hardly touched at all in this DLC. It’s the unique presentation and spectacular writing that complements Dead Island 2’s gameplay. You’re going to have much more fun fighting Long Piglet than you will any of the GOAT Pen members.

Dead Island 2 Haus Long Pig
Screenshot: Try Hard Guides

In many ways, I think Haus is better than the base Dead Island 2 experience. The writing feels far stronger, both in the general dialogue and the way the world further explores the zombie infection. Haus is completely separated from the commentary on Hollywood and influencer personalities that a fair amount of people disliked in Dead Island 2. It lacks the more comedic tone of the base game’s world, presenting an environment and story that is utterly dark and allowing its humor to come from strong character moments. Amy, as always, is the strongest in my opinion and really shines in this DLC.

That being said, I thought the ending was a bit rushed, with the second half of the DLC breezing right by compared to the first. Impactful as the final scene may be, more time definitely could have been spent in this area to give this wonderful DLC the capstone it deserved.

The Final Word

Haus builds something phenomenal on the foundation of Dead Island 2. The game’s fun hack-and-slash gameplay and ambitiously gruesome zombies are elevated to new heights with an excellently written, excellently presented, and excellently atmospheric new zone to slash them in. Haus is a must-have for fans and critics of Dead Island 2 alike.


Try Hard Guides was provided with a PC review copy of this game. Find more detailed looks at popular and upcoming titles in the Game Reviews section of our website! Dead Island 2: Haus is available on Xbox and Epic Games.