Masahiro Sakurai says the Japanese have a greater “tolerance for ecchi”

Japanese game developer Masahiro Sakurai talked up ecchi content after revealing a difference between the Japanese and western versions of Streets of Rage 2.

Masahiro Sakurai (probably best known for his work on the Smash Brothers games) recently appeared on Japanese video game show Game Center CX, which was celebrating 40 years of Sega hardware.

Joining host Arino in playing Streets of Rage 2 (known as Bare Knuckle II in Japan), Sakurai demonstrated that female character Blaze’s pantsu can be exposed with a jump kick.

After booting up the western version of the game, he went on to show that the pantsu were unfortuantely no longer visible.

When questioned if the United States is perhaps more strict in terms of its censorship regulations, Sakurai responded: “I think that the Japanese have a higher tolerance for ecchi stuff.”

You can watch the segment in question can be observed at around 4:55: