Announcing The Kepler Incident news

Announcing my new game, The Kepler Incident. A survival-horror first-person shooter.

I’m very pleased to be able to announce my new game, The Kepler Incident.

The Kepler Incident will be a survival-horror game, mixing old-school first-person shooter gameplay and adventure game mechanics, such as an inventory system and environmental puzzle solving. It is set in the same universe as my previous mods, The Apocalypse, Lunar Descent and Dissolution, but its story stands on its own and you don’t need to play those mods to enjoy this game.

The Kepler Incident will take many cues from my previous title, The Apocalypse, but returns to FPS combat gameplay. The art style, horror setting and environmental design are very similar to Apocalypse, and fans of that game should find something to appreciate in this one.

The Kepler Incident is my first major project outside of the Source modding world. It is powered by Godot, the open source game engine. There is no release date in mind, but be sure to follow our profile on IndieDB / ModDB to stay up to date with developments!

Here are some (work in progress!) screenshots from The Kepler Incident: