Marvel’s Wolverine and Spider-Man 2 Share a Universe, Director Confirms

In a recent interview with Kinda Funny Games, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 director Bryan Intihar confirmed that Insomniac Games’ Marvel games take place in the same universe, which is Earth-1048. This means that Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Wolverine take place in the same world, and that there is potential for future crossovers between the two games.

During the interview, Intihar also mentioned that they made a decision not to include Wolverine in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales because they wanted to focus on making a great Spider-Man game first.

Now that they have released a few successful Spider-Man games, they are ready to focus on Wolverine. Intihar also hinted that there are many more Marvel games to come from Insomniac Games in the future.

In terms of what’s next for Insomniac Games, Intihar says that they’re approaching Marvel’s Wolverine as their “fifth game”. This suggests that they have a lot of plans for the future, and that Marvel’s Wolverine is just the beginning.

While this isn’t a confirmation that more characters are coming, it makes me think that maybe more will be. The fact that Wolverine and Spider-Man are in the same universe means that there is a lot of potential for the future.

Wolverine leads to X-Men the same way that Spider-Man may lead to the Avengers. Insomniac does a great job of creating universes for players to traverse through. Going through the wilderness as Wolverine is pretty cool, but exploring Xavier’s Academy for mutants would be far cooler.

Sony doesn’t own the rights to many characters, but since Marvel has managed I snag back the majority, there’s no real limitations. We will likely see a smaller cast before we see the likes of the X-Men. Deadpool is a popular franchise that will likely make it into Insomniac’s catalogue before X-Men.

We recommend watching the full video here if you’re interested in everything else the interview revealed.