Alan Wake 2 Wellness Clinic Computer Password – Where to Find

Image: DanAllenGaming

There are many codes in Alan Wake 2, and some are harder than others. One partciularly difficult password is the code for the Wellness Clinic computer. We have the password as well as the way to analyze the clues below. Check out our heading on where to find the clues if you don’t want to know the answer.

You can find ways to get through Alan Wake 2 using our guides on Coffee World Gift Shop Safe Password, the Witchfinder’s Station Password, and How To Enter Caldera St. Station Subway Entrance.

What is the Password to the Wellness Clinic Computer in Alan Wake 2?

The password to the Wellness Clinic Computer in Alan Wake 2 is 08 17 23. Look at the computer and you will see a code input screen. Input the code and the safe will open. You can unlock the door by interacting with the screen.

By looking at the clues, you should be able to figure it out. The day after the next full moon is August 17, 2023. This will be that month’s code, which is easy to decipher once you know what you’re looking for.

This will open the doors and allow you to move through the next part of the level freely.

Where To Find the Clues for the Wellness Clinic Computer in Alan Wake 2

You’ll most likely look at the calendar first, but you should go to the file cabinets left of the computer and look at the open one. There is a paper sticking out like a sore thumb. The message will state that the ceremony will take place the day after the next full moon.

The password changes every month, so it has to be something they’ll remember each month. The upcoming full moon is in August. Use the calendar to find your code, which is a date.