Alan Wake 2 Bolt Cutters – How to Get

Navigating through the eerie landscapes of Bright Falls, Cauldron Lake, and Watery in Alan Wake 2, you’ll encounter numerous locked gates and doors. These barriers often hide valuable treasures and collectibles, making the Bolt Cutters an essential tool for exploration.

This guide will walk you through the process of acquiring the Bolt Cutters in Alan Wake 2, ensuring you don’t miss out on any hidden gems.

When and Where to Find Bolt Cutters in Alan Wake 2

The Bolt Cutters become available during Alan Wake 2’s main story, specifically in the chapter called “Return 5: Old Gods.” In this chapter, you’ll be playing Saga Anderson, who visits the Valhalla Nursing Home to meet with Tor and Odin from the Old Gods of Asgard.

The Journey to Valhalla Nursing Home

Before you can get your hands on the Bolt Cutters, you’ll need to navigate through a series of unfolding nightmares in the manor house and wellness center. Your journey will eventually lead you to an Overlap, a dreamlike realm filled with twisting rituals and challenges.

Unlocking the Overlap

To open the Overlap portal at Valhalla Nursing Home in Alan Wake 2, you’ll first need to acquire the Anger’s Remorse record. Playing this record on the jukebox will cause a portal to appear over the pond in the courtyard. Stepping into this portal will transport you to a confusing and creepy Overlap zone with a sewer/drowning theme.

Finding the Tool Cabinet Key

As you navigate through the Overlap, you’ll come across a room with a lever that turns on the light and reveals another room. Inside this room, you’ll find containers and drawers containing the Tool Cabinet Key. This key is crucial for unlocking the cabinet that holds the Bolt Cutters.

Acquiring the Bolt Cutters

After obtaining the Tool Cabinet Key, proceed to the next chamber in the Overlap where you’ll face a vicious Taken boss. Defeat the boss, use the key to unlock the cabinet, and grab the Bolt Cutters. Now you’re all set to slice through locked gates and doors throughout Alan Wake 2.

What to Do After Getting the Bolt Cutters

Once you’ve acquired the Bolt Cutters, you can use them to access previously unreachable areas in Alan Wake 2. This includes Cult Stashes, Nursery Rhymes, and Dolls. So get ready to backtrack!