A pack of wolves made it to the Eastern Front news – Tannenberg


It’s time to put your strengths together and fight a shared enemy. On this cold front, the icy and winter weather has made it hard to survive, but not only for you. The wolves are hungry, and you all seem like the perfect meal…

Winner winner, wolf’s dinner

The annual Wolf Truce has returned to Tannenberg! Starting today, October 18th, until November 1st you can participate in this unique Tannenberg event. When you hear the wolves howl on the battlefields*, the wolf pack will soon charge in to make their attack on you and your enemy. Both sides of the battlefield have the opportunity to cease fire and fight the hungry wolves together. If everyone is able to eliminate the pack of hungry beasts without hurting anyone on the opposing team, you’ll all earn a special medal.

*These events randomly trigger on snowy maps

Historical background

During the third winter in 1917 of the Great War, the region between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea was the battlefield for the German and Russian Armies. Having to fight each other often in brutal conditions and harsh environments resulted in negative effects on the soldiers’ supply lines, leading to some serious food shortages.

Wolves World War I Poster

However, the soldiers weren’t the only ones who were hungry. The wolves who were native to the region faced an increased difficulty in hunting their normal prey. They already started feasting on the livestock in nearby villages, but it wasn’t enough to quell their hunger.


The wolf attacks might at one point have been so fearsome that the German and Russian troops called a temporary cease-fire toward each other and formed a brief alliance to jointly fight the lupine threat (although reports do come from US newspapers, so take them with a pinch of salt).

Price-hungry wolves

Seems like the wolves started to nibble on some things here in the Steam store. Tannenberg will be discounted with 75% off later today at 7PM CEST ! Join the Eastern Front and save yourself (and your enemies) from becoming dinner.


Additionally, to celebrate Isonzo winning the Best Audio award you can find Tannenberg’s soundtrack on sale as well!


Southern Europe Getaway

Want to change out the icy cold of the Eastern Front for the sunny Italian landscapes (and the occasional snowy mountain top)? Then be sure to get our latest game Isonzo!


Stay alive soldiers!