The Dead Meat Trailer Presents An AI-Driven Detective Sim – Gamezebo

AI is a pretty big deal right now. It’s something that’s a cause for concern for a ton of people in creative industries. But what if a developer used the technology in a way to push game mechanics further without removing the need for regular people at the helm? Well, a trailer just dropped for Dead Meat, a game that promises to do exactly that.

A Telepathic Mystery

Dead Meat is a detective game where you interrogate a woman named Lucia. Her husband has just been murdered, and she is probably the one responsible. You just need a confession.

You can also read Lucia’s mind, too. It’s up to you to ask the right questions to get to the bottom of the mystery and do it in whatever way you think is best. Are you charismatic? Intimidating? Will you try and use logic to talk her into it? Or manipulate her emotions. The choice is yours, and you have more control over those choices than ever before thanks to Dead Meat’s dialogue mechanics.

More Than An NPC

Meaning Machine is a publisher whose games put AI algorithms to use in a pretty interesting way, to power an NPC who can answer any question you put to them. There’s no dialogue tree to select from in Dead Meat. Lucia the character you’re questioning, responds to questions typed into a box. Any questions you like.

What Dead Meat promises is an NPC that actively responds to your interactions, but also comes with a defined personality, motivations, and a good reason to lie to you.

This is all presented in a neat neo-noir-looking package with a greyscale comic book art style.

Sound like your kind of thing? Check out Meaning Machine’s official website to see details on the game and take a look at some of their other projects.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in finding another neat game, have a read of our news piece on Zipp’s Cafe.