Dream BBQ Will Take Longer To Cook Than We Thought – Gamezebo

For those eager to see ENA: Dream BBQ, the adventure game incarnation of Joel G’s bizarre creations, you may have longer to wait.

A video entitled ‘Delay Announcement – ENA: Dream BBQ’ was posted onto the Joel G YouTube channel, with a statement in the description.

“ENA: Dream BBQ will be delayed as it is still being developed to bring you the experience that is closest to our vision as Artists, Animators, Musicians and Programmers.
2023 has been an eventful year for the ENA team and we appreciate your patience and continued love for the series. We hope to deliver more ENA to you soon as we continue working on the game.”

A 2023 Release?

As of our last check on the Steam page, the game’s planned release date it still set for 2023, though whether that turns out to be true is perhaps more ambiguous than ever before, as November is coming fast.

While this does mean we may not see our mismatched heroine in game form for a while yet, the general reaction to the news was quite warm. As most of us in the gaming community are well aware, no one enjoys a broken release. Hopefully, the team can avoid the crunch and deliver exceptional work when the time comes.

ENA: Dream BBQ is an upcoming adventure game based around the YouTube animations of Joel G. The animations star the titular ENA, a peculiar individual prone to swapping voices, faces, and colors according to her mood. Her mood is fairly volatile at the best of times, so this makes for an erratic display of visual and audio changes.

A World The Needs A Game

ENA inhabits a strange world, which already resembles a low-polygon 3D game even in its non-interactive parts. The surreal place full of unnatural environments, bizarre characters, and even item notifications was always begging for its own playable title.

The upcoming game will be an adventure where you explore different worlds as a slightly different-looking ENA, interact with an assortment of weirdos, and try to deal with your own emotional breakdowns.

The best thing? ENA: Dream BBQ sets out fully free-to-play, with an option ‘Support The Devs’ coming with behind-the-scenes content for the aficionado.

Sound like your speed? Check out the game via the Steam page. Wishlist the game there for updates when it releases.

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