How to beat Bulrush Express in Super Mario Bros Wonder

The levels in Super Mario Bros. Wonder tend to grow more difficult as you go, as indicated by their star ratings, but even some of the earlier ones can have some teeth. On the subject of challenging earlier stages, here is our guide telling you how to beat Bulrush Express in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder – how to beat Bulrush Express

You can access the Bulrush Express stage after you clear the Wigger Race Mountaineering! event. At the next four-way intersection, just head north on the map. To beat Bulrush Express, stick with the herd of Bulrush enemies as they race ahead of rising liquid.

Related: How to get all Wonder Seeds in Bulrush Coming Through in Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Screenshot: PC Invasion

A stunning debut

As the stage begins, Mario stands on a ledge to the left of a bed of spikes and an orange pipe. Two Bulrush enemies rush each other and become stunned when they collide. Leap along them to cross the spikes and then enter the pipe.

When you arrive in the lower passage, you trigger a Bulrush stampede. Jump and land on the herd, which you will ride through most of the level. As you do, purple liquid slowly rises. You need to stay above its level, since it is fatal.

As the herd runs, it launches across a wide gap. Ahead of you, a P-Switch hangs from the ceiling. You can jump to hit it and make a series of blue coins appear. Beyond the switch, a Mushroom drops from a red pipe, which you may need.

Smb Wonder Bulrush Express Flower Coin
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Flowery loot

Continue to the right. Not that you have any real choice. On the next bit of land, you can jump between enemies to grab a Flower Coin, if you’re feeling brave. The stampede soon reaches a ledge that ascends sharply toward the right.

A second P-Switch hangs from the ceiling. Bop it if you wish. You can also ride the stamped as it arcs downward toward the purple soup, then jump to a ledge and rush along it to grab another Flower Coin, if you like taking risks. I don’t like taking such risks if I’m just trying to complete the stage the first time.

Smb Wonder Bulrush Express Pow Blocks
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Explosive passage

Keep going and catch a ride on the stampede as it launches into the air after that platform. This is the most dangerous part of the stage. As the stampede touches ground, jump onto the ledge to the right and break the nearest POW block. The explosion clears the passage so you can keep running. You must do this quickly, or you will get stuck and the liquid will get you.

At the far end of the passage, hit another P-Switch along the ceiling and land on the Bulrush stampede again. Gather spectral coins as you ride. You need to be ready to duck and jump enemies positioned along this route, sometimes on ledges. You can leap to snag a third Flower Coin here as a reward for your athleticism.

Smb Wonder Bulrush Express Wonder Seed
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The climb for rewards

You are almost through the stage. As the stampede touches down on solid ground once more, look for a red arrow pointing upward past a series of ledges. Jump up to the left side of the first grassy ledge. Keep hopping to ascend through the vertical chamber. Liquid rises quickly here, plus individual Bulrush enemies wait along each ledge, ready to rush you.

At the top of the final ledge, grab the Wonder Seed. Then enter the pipe to reach the last portion of the stage. Carefully move past the large snail that clings to a ledge. You should be able to spring from its back to reach the top of the flagpole, or run under it when the coast is clear if you don’t want to risk it. You automatically receive the stage’s second Wonder Seed once you bring down the flag.

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