FFXIV London Fanfest divulges new FFXI Alliance Raid for Dawntrail

While the normal raid series remains a mystery for now, the London FFXIV Fanfest has revealed the name and idea for the Dawntrail Alliance Raid series: Echoes of Vana’diel, directly inspired by FFXI.

FFXIV Dawntrail Alliance Raid: Echoes of Vana’diel

Beyond the name, titlecard, and the mention of it being based off of Final Fantasy Eleven, we didn’t get much information about the new Alliance Raid yet. However, this is definitely not the first time an Alliance Raid series has been in the vein of a previous Final Fantasy property. The Stormblood Alliance Raid series was practically a direct port of Final Fantasy Twelve, featuring Dalmasca, Ivalice, and everything. Then there was Shadowbringers, taking it a step further by being a crossover with NieR:Automata.

Related: London Fanfest: Everything new revealed about FFXIV Tural areas

Now that we’ve spent Endwalker exploring important XIV lore in the Alliance Raid, it looks as if we’re going back to another round of porting other Final Fantasy properties again, as XIV is wont to do. The question is, if Dalmasca directly reappears as part of XIV and its lore, is Vana’diel about to become part of Etheirys as well? And if so, where is it located? They could very well also pull a Shadowbringers Alliance Raid and insert the areas into a hidden part of the existing map. However, my guess is it’s unlikely Vana’diel is just a hidden part of Tural. It’s more likely to be one of the hidden nations or areas we’ve not seen on the map yet.

Either that, or as implied by ‘Echoes’ being in the title, Vana’diel is a lost or ancient civilization of some kind. Echoes usually refers to memories in a game where the main character has a memory vision ability called the Echo. Still, how exciting for Eleven fans!

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