Spider-Man 2 Ultimate Difficulty – How to Unlock

Looking to challenge yourself in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? The game offers an Ultimate Difficulty level that will test your skills to the limit. This guide will walk you through how to unlock it and what to expect.

We also tell you if there are any trophies attached to Ultimate Difficulty and if you can platinum it without having to complete it on this extremely hard difficulty in Spider-Man 2.

How to Unlock Ultimate Difficulty in Spider-Man 2

Unlocking the Ultimate Difficulty in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a straightforward process. All you need to do is complete the main story mode. After the credits roll, you’ll receive a notification that Ultimate Difficulty has been unlocked. You can switch to this difficulty level immediately through the game’s options menu.

What is Ultimate Difficulty?

Ultimate Difficulty is essentially the game’s version of ultra-hard mode. In this mode, enemies and bosses have increased health, damage output, and aggressiveness. The game’s developers, Insomniac Games, describe it as a mode designed for expert players who enjoy a brutally difficult experience.

Gameplay Features in Ultimate Difficulty

When you play Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on Ultimate Difficulty, you’ll notice that enemies are about 20% more aggressive, do about 40% more damage, and have around 30% more health compared to the average difficulty setting, called “Amazing.” Your Spidey-sense will appear for a shorter time, requiring faster reactions.

New Game Plus and Ultimate Difficulty

You can also start a New Game Plus (NG+) on Ultimate Difficulty. All your character levels, accumulated resources, tech parts, and tokens, as well as unlocked suits and upgrades, will carry over to the NG+ playthrough. However, it’s worth noting that New Game Plus is not scheduled to come to the game until near the end of 2023.

Are There Rewards for Playing on Ultimate Difficulty?

Currently, there are no special rewards or trophies for completing the game on Ultimate Difficulty. However, it’s possible that the team may add a trophy for beating the game on this difficulty level in the future. But I really doubt it.

What Are the Difficulty Options in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 offers a range of difficulty options right from the start. These include:

  • Friendly Neighborhood: For players who want minimal combat challenge. You cannot be knocked out in combat.
  • Friendly: For players who want to enjoy the story.
  • Amazing: For players who like a balanced combat experience.
  • Spectacular: For players who enjoy more difficult combat. Enemies will be stronger and more aggressive.

Can You Change Difficulty in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Yes, you can change the game’s difficulty at any time. To do so, press the options button on your controller, scroll down to settings, and then go to the gameplay section. From there, you can adjust the difficulty settings.

Does Difficulty Affect Trophies?

No, the difficulty level you choose does not affect trophies. You can work towards the coveted Platinum trophy without needing to play the game on one of the more challenging modes.

Unlocking and playing on Ultimate Difficulty in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 offers a challenging but rewarding experience for those looking to test their skills. While there are no special rewards for playing on this difficulty, the sheer challenge it offers is a reward in itself.