Sharpen your knives for the first holiday hunt in Monster Hunter Now

It is also time for Monster Hunter Now’s first holiday event, and for Halloween, they will have you hunting probably one of the least threatening choices they could have picked. Instead of the intimidating Diablos or mightly Ratholos, you instead will chase overgrown chickens, Happy Halloween!

The Halloween Pumpkin Hunt has players engaging in that time honoured of all activity; theft. Not really, but close enough. From the 28th until the 31st, special Kulu-Ya-Ku will be popping up holding pumpkin-like rocks, and you want these rocks. Kick their feathery butts and you will get some delicious Pumpkin Tickets. During this window, you can also complete a Halloween Medal Acquistion Quest to get the aforementioned shiny.

If you prefer to not slay beasts for your tickets, then you’re probably playing the wrong game. Nonetheless! There will be a variety of quests from the 25th until the 31st that revolve around gathering special items which will also get you some tickets. Collect enough, and you will be able to obtain the exclusive Jack-O-Head armour.

Now for what will be the make or break for everyone; the armor skill. The Solidarity (Pumpkin Hunt), as it’s called, will increase attack power in correlation to how many other hunters nearby have it equipped, with it being multiplied by five during the Pumpkin Hunt event. The key word here is “nearby”.It is definitely an armour that was designed without considering players in rural areas, to say the least.

For those who can convince their neighbours to part with some gold instead of candy, there are two exclusive packs for sale to help you maximize your gains. The Halloween Pack comes with ten Potions, two Paintballs, two Wander Droplets, and two Special Carving Knives that double hunt rewards. Buy the Web Store-Exclusive Premium Pack, and you will get triple most of these, besides the Special Carving Knife, aka the main reason to buy the pack. You only get three instead of two, a true Halloween trick!

Monster Hunter Now can be downloaded now from the App Store and Google Play.