How To Scan Items in Wizard with a Gun

Screenshot: Galvanic Games

Wizard With a Gun is all about collecting and war. You will need to collect resources primarily, but you will also need to collect information. Collecting information will help you not only understand what you have scanned but also unlock all new things to craft. Scanning items with your Tome of Knowledge may seem tedious and sometimes dangerous, but it is actually essential. When you scan items in Wizard With a Gun, you will become more powerful for the next wave.

How to scan items in Wizard with a Gun

To start scanning items in Wizard With a Gun, you will first need to pull up your Tome of Knowledge with F. Once you have it out, you need to get within range of an item you haven’t scanned yet. You will be able to identify these unscanned items by the image of a Tome floating above them.

How to scan items in Wizard with a Gun
PC Invasion

Approach the item or enemy in Wizard With a Gun with your Tome of Knowledge out and get it within range. This can be determined by the white line running from your player to the unscanned item. Once it is in range, hold down the left mouse button. You will see a bar slowly filling up. The bigger, scarier, or higher level of the item or enemy, the longer this bar will take to fill.

Once you have scanned the new item in Wizard With a Gun, it will be added to your Tome of Knowledge. You can view the various entries you have scanned in your tome by pulling it out with F and pressing the right mouse button. You will be able to see what you have scanned and what the bonuses are. 

Benefits of scanning items

When you scan an item, it becomes available to be built in your base. If you are scanning things like enemies, you will also gain new unlocks to build and research. Although it can be hard scanning an enemy, I would recommend doing it as soon as you can. It can turn certain wild enemies to be friendly and will benefit your character.

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