MW3 players want this OG MW2 killstreak to make a return

The CoD series has been home to a wide array of killstreaks that have been celebrated and despised, and MW3, much like its predecessors, is no different. Though the latest installment brings many familiar ones back into the fray, hardcore fans hope that Activision’s upcoming entry brings back one beloved killstreak introduced back in the OG MW2 game: the Pave Low.

With the game’s beta period having already kicked off ahead of the Modern Warfare 3 release date, players have naturally gotten a feel for many of the killstreaks that are set to be included. Most have predictably enjoyed using the SAE, one of the best killstreaks in MW3, due to its massive area-of-effect and the instant demise that it brings to enemy teams. However, this beloved perk still pales compared to the destruction that the Pave Low often brought about.

For those unfamiliar, the Pave Low is a killstreak that, when used, brings in an armored assault helicopter to patrol the map and shoot down any enemy operator that it sees. Unlike a similar air-based killstreak in the Overwatch Helo, however, the Pave Low is much harder to take down and packs a bigger punch because of its dual turrets. Of course, it is still vulnerable to anti-air weapons and perks, like Rocket Launchers and the SAM Turret.

So, since MW3 harkens back to the series’ roots with the reintroduction of several OG maps and modes, a reintroduction of the Pave Low killstreak would undoubtedly be welcomed with open arms by the fan base, as evidenced by the comments being shared on social media sites. One Redditor named RedEye-55 said: “I miss the [Pave Low],” while NeglectedNostalgia added: “Predator, Harrier, [and] Pave Low did so much work.”

It’s currently unclear whether Sledgehammer Games plans on introducing the Pave Low, or any of the OG killstreaks, to MW3 at the time of writing. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if they do, as one player noticed that “a bunch of killstreaks” were shown in the MW3 multiplayer trailer, which apparently included the “Wheelson, Harrier, Pave Low, and EMP,” though this is unconfirmed at the time of writing.

For more on the game, take a look at our guides on the best Striker loadout in MW3, the best SVA 545 loadout in MW3, and the best Pulemyot 762 loadout in MW3.