Does Lords of the Fallen have co-op?

Considering the fact that Lords of the Fallen takes such heavy inspiration from the Dark Souls series and other games like it, fans of those titles will inevitably wish to know exactly which series-staple features it carries over. Fans may take particular interest in the possibility of Lords of the Fallen incorporating co-op or some other kind of multiplayer feature. Those who have listened to discussions about Dark Souls for any length of time will likely already know that its unique approach to online multiplayer helped it stand out when it released. Does Lords of the Fallen take cues from that title by including a co-op feature of its own?

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Is co-op included in Lords of the Fallen?

Fortunately, Lords of the Fallen does indeed support co-op play, and as one would expect, it functions relatively similarly to Dark Souls. You have the option of summoning another player into your game to fight potentially tough enemies alongside you. The summoned player has to follow the other player’s lead, as only they can choose which general areas to explore. Additionally, any progress made during the host’s game does not carry over into the summoned player’s save file.

Also, Lords of the Fallen only lets up to two people play together at once, so don’t expect to gather a whole team to battle a tough boss like in Monster Hunter. Having just one other player on your side should presumably be enough to tackle most of the game, but still, keep that in mind.

In addition to co-op play, Lords of the Fallen allows players to invade another’s game as an adversary just like in the Dark Souls series. This serves as Lords of the Fallen’s primary PvP experience, so those wanting to test their builds on one another can do so through this feature. But even if you only intend to summon a player for co-op, you will risk the possibility of another player invading you.

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