Best ways to earn credits in Forza Motorsport

Earning credits in Forza Motorsport is probably one of the most important things you can do. It allows you to buy cars and upgrades, and when you have a lot saved up, you have options. Credits in all Forza games are fairly easy, but not all give out high amounts. Having a fast car and leveling it up is good, but upgrading to make it better is great. Credits allow that. In Forza Motorsport, earning credits can be done in a few ways, depending on how you’re playing, you’ll get them with relative speed. The methods below are probably the best way overall to earn more credits, however, you’ll need to drive better and with more finesse. To learn the best ways to earn credits in Forza Motorsport, read below.

Forza Motorsport: Best ways to earn credits

After spending hours in Forza Motorsport racing, I’ve accumulated over a million credits and that’s by using the following methods.

Play clean, play fair

Forza Motorsport awards players for driving on the pavement. If you get boxed out on accident, don’t worry, the game won’t punish you either. So make sure you make your turns, don’t hit other cars off the track, and get a fast race time. You’ll get a massive drop of credits by doing so. I do recommend playing on tracks like Le Mans, it has enough straightaways to allow you to keep a line while driving. The corners can be punishing, but as long as you start to slow down early, you should make it.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Start behind the pack

For each race, you can race in qualifiers that set your default position on the racing grid. So if you get a high time, you could start in the top five. However, you can pick your position before the race either up or down. Forza Motorsport tells you that if you start lower, and manage to get in the top five or three, you’ll get more money and more experience points. My advice here would be to start near the bottom because even if you’re racing well and passing everyone on a four or five-lap track, you’ll have a hard time climbing. I usually start in the bottom middle and work my up.

Forza Motorsport Grid Postion
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Challenge yourself

You can combine this method with starting in a lower position. If you play on a harder difficulty start near last place, and win, you could get a heavy amount of credits at once. This may be challenging at the start, but as you get better cars with better upgrades, coming in the top five doesn’t seem that hard anymore. The key would be consistency here since you need to keep trying. The difficulty gap between normal and hard is quite a jump, to combat this and make the transition fluid, have a car that can keep up with the demands.

Forza Motorsport Changing The Difficulty
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Other Forza Motorsport articles.

Forza Motorsport is available now via Xbox Store.