Visual novel Chemically Bonded releasing on Switch this week

Chemically Bonded

Ratalaika Games, along with, ds-sans, announced today that they’ll be releasing Chemically Bonded on Switch this week. It will be available on October 13, 2023.

Chemically Bonded is a visual novel in which players “become entwined in the dispute between two neighboring female students.” Further details can be found in the following overview:

Enter the melancholic life of an ordinary Japanese high school male as you become entwined in the dispute between two neighboring female students.

Learn more about their past together as you piece together their relationship and mend their bond, all whilst forming new bonds of your own. You’ll be presented with both conventional and unconventional choices which shape the relationship formed with the girls.

You could choose to help restart the Science club, or to increase your athletic capabilities… all the while growing closer to the girl who holds the key to your heart.

Key Features

  • Multiple routes and endings
  • Genre: Romance, Drama, Comedy
  • Romance: B x G
  • Interactive phone system for choices and dates
  • 5+ outfits and multiple poses for both girls
  • High quality manga style artwork
  • Voice Acting

Take a look at a trailer for Chemically Bonded below.

Official Trailer

The game will be sold digitally on the Switch eShop for $9.99. Access the official website here.