Dredge DLC The Pale Reach Releases on November 16

The immersive world of Dredge is about to grow larger with the introduction of its first official expansion, The Pale Reach, slated for release on November 16. Since its launch half a year ago, Dredge has captivated players with its atmospheric narrative, where enigmatic horrors linger in the backdrop of a fisherman’s life in a desolate town. In these six months, the development team has been diligently refining the game, rolling out three updates that offered enhanced gameplay, captivating new wonders, and improvements to enrich player experience.

The Pale Reach beckons players to venture into a previously uncharted icy territory. This pristine environment holds secrets of its own, urging players to navigate through frozen canyons, piecing together the story of an ancient expedition, and revealing the fates of its members. Explorers venturing into this glacial domain must be prepared to adapt, as they’ll need to enhance their vessels with specialized equipment designed to breach the formidable icy barriers.

Yet, as with Dredge’s established territories, The Pale Reach is not free from its own ominous undertones. This realm is tainted by a malevolent force, warping nature and setting ominous challenges in the path of the players. As they delve deeper, players will grapple with the challenge of confronting and resolving a haunting historical betrayal and stemming the tide of an advancing shadowy menace.

Further enriching the expansion, The Pale Reach will provide players with a diverse aquatic ecosystem, adding 11 new fish and crab species to discover. These new species come with their own aberrated variations and are complemented by a new fish type. In addition, players can acquire an item designed to maintain the freshness of their catches, irrespective of their fishing location.

Interestingly, the concept of an icy biome was initially on the drawing board during Dredge’s initial development phases. However, priorities shifted to other biomes more aligned with the game’s initial narrative intent and developmental timeline. Post-launch, the community’s persistent requests and creative fan art surrounding an icy biome nudged the developers to revisit and actualize this idea.

Beyond The Pale Reach, the creators hinted at future content, revealing ongoing work on another expansion titled The Iron Rig. Players can anticipate further announcements regarding this upcoming content in due course.

As a brief overview for newcomers to the world of Dredge: The game invites players to command their fishing trawler across a series of remote islands. Each island is a world unto itself, with unique inhabitants, diverse wildlife, and engrossing tales. Players can dive deep into the ocean in search of hidden treasures, research advanced equipment, upgrade their boat, sell rare finds, and hone their skills to survive the mysteries that come alive in the darkness.