Best early skills in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage

Much of Assassin’s Creed: Mirage has moved away from the heavy RPG mechanics of the last two games. However, some remnants remain but aren’t overwhelming to new and old players. In Assassin’s Creed: Mirage, our hero Basim has skills that he can earn to make him a better assassin. Depending on how you play, each skill offered will greatly alter how Basim deals with his enemies. If you’re starting and want some direction, here are some of the best early-game skills you can get in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. 

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage – Best early-game skills

There aren’t any builds you can create in the game. So, whichever segment of the tree you invest in, you’ll be proficient in that area. These skills that follow utilize all aspects of the game, this way you’ll get a balanced experience. Note: the three initial skills are required to open the skill tree, so we’ll skip them.

Before the main event: Baghdad is a detailed world; check out how big the city is.

Best early-game skills 

  • Breakfall: You’ll be running a lot, and health doesn’t regenerate unless you have an outfit or weapon that has such a perk. When you’re being chased, this is important. If you don’t have this skill and you fall, the loss of health is quite high. There were times when my health bar went down to almost half. Whenever I try to fight back, it’s much harder because I can’t take as many hits. So, this skill acts as a buffer and reduces the fall damage. The earlier you get this skill, the better your escape and chases become.
  • Elixir Pocket: There are a few ways to heal in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. By roaming the streets of Baghdad, you can find food to give you a small amount of health. But what happens when you’re in a fight? Stocking up Elxirs is something all assassins should do. At the start, you only get two, but this skill increases the capacity by one. Elixers are a better health alternative because they bring all your health back. So during those mid-fight moments when you can’t escape, the more you have, the better the outcome is for you. 

Screenshot: PC Invasion

  • Knife Recovery: I don’t know about you, but I find that knives are very important. For ranged attacks, this will help Basim more often than not. Running out of knives will happen, and getting more is best done outside of combat. While you can pickpocket people or go to Traders, taking knives off fallen enemies is the easiest way to keep them replenished. On top of that, if you use a knife during a fight, you can quickly get it back by scrambling to the enemy you hit. You may be able to never run out of knives if you keep on recovering them.
  • Eagle Sense: By using Enkidu, your eagle friend, you can target enemies, treasures, and other points of interest. He’s great for preplanning your attack and even scouting ahead. With Eagle Sense, Enkidu points out the route of the guard or person of interest. This skill has helped me quickly get in and out of strongholds because I can anticipate movements better. It’s best used to avoid areas where you know you can’t win. Being able to predict the enemy’s next move is paramount for any assassin. 
Basim about to take out a target.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Other Assassin’s Creed: Mirage articles

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage is available now via the Ubisoft Store.