All CS2 hidden achievements and how to get them

Screenshot: Valve Corporation

Counter-Strike 2 is the hotly anticipated sequel in the much-adored franchise. However, its arrival came with the unexplained eradication of all 167 CSGO achievements, absolutely wiping away all of the player base’s hard work. And all to get replaced with one solitary hidden achievement. What is this mystery CS2 achievement, and is it worth the painstaking efforts players put into the CSGO achievements?

How to get all CS2 hidden achievements

As of right now, there is only one hidden achievement in CS2. Not only does this confuse many players, but it also makes them mad at Valve for replacing all 167 CSGO achievements. And this one hidden achievement really is not worth it.

The one hidden achievement is titled ‘A New Beginning’, with its description being ‘This is Counter-Strike, too’. To unlock this vague achievement, all you must do is play any game mode. That’s it.

If you didn’t get the achievement, then perhaps you should play again, and complete the game if you didn’t last time, although many players are reporting that you don’t even have to complete the game to get the achievement.

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Screenshot: Valve

This could simply be a stylish start to the launch of CS2, something dramatic to revitalize the franchise with a poor pun, however with no statement on the issue, fans are very annoyed and concerned by this decision. We can only hope something is said or done soon, otherwise, a large portion of the CSGO community will be very upset about such a needless change. The title ‘A NEw Beginning’ does seem to hint toward this idea, but nothing is certain for now.

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Will there be more achievements for CS2?

I think it is highly likely that Valve will add more achievements and hidden achievements into the game. I struggle to see a reality where Valve deletes all of CSGO’s achievements only to be replaced by one achievement that every player will be receiving. Achievements were a large part of the CSGO community, so for them to destroy the achievements and ignore them for that title will ruffle many feathers.

We will update this guide as the hidden achievements get rolled out, alongside how to complete them, which hopefully will happen soon!

I hope you’ve enjoyed our hidden achievement guide for CS2. If you want even more help with the game, look no further than PC Invasion.