What’s coming in the Starfield 1.7.33 update?

Just today, Bethesda put out the newest patch, titled the 1.7.33 update, for Starfield on both Xbox platforms and Steam. According to a post on the official Starfield website, the patch “addresses some issues with performance and stability as well as a few general gameplay issues.” The post also notes that the developers still plan on releasing a more significant update sometime in the future. But until then, here is a basic rundown of the fixes implemented in the latest Starfield update.

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Patch notes for update 1.7.33

Under the list of general fixes, the patch notes mention one that removes a bug in which NPCs would not appear in their intended locations. Another general fix prevents the game from mislabeling Star Stations as one of the player’s ships, whereas the third and final general fix ensures that players won’t unintentionally gain access to a vendor’s full inventory.

Moving on to graphical fixes, the first one addresses an AMD GPU-related issue in which star lens flares would not display correctly. Other graphical issues fixed in the patch include blurry textures as well as photosensitivity risks that could crop up when navigating the inventory menu.

The patch notes also feature a section of performance and stability fixes, one of which addresses hitching problems that would arise when using the Hand Scanner. Additionally, this section makes note of other miscellaneous improvements meant to remove various freezes and crashes.

Finally, we have the fixes pertaining to the game’s ships, with the first one correcting a bug “that would cause displayed items to disappear when applied to in-ship mannequins.” Meanwhile, the second fix under this category prevents items placed inside either Razorleaf Storage Containers or Weapon Racks from vanishing upon taking control of another ship.

These make up all of the fixes that the new Starfield update introduces, so hopefully, they will go a long way toward making your playthrough more stable if you have encountered any of these issues before.

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Image: Bethesda