Roblox Blade Ball Version 1.3 Update log and patch notes

Blade Ball, a Roblox game that tests players’ focus, timing, and strategy, has rolled out its version 1.3 update. This update brings with it a multitude of changes aimed at enhancing gameplay and the overall player experience. With a homing ball that ramps up in speed, the game already offers a unique challenge. Now, version 1.3 introduces new elements that add even more layers of complexity and opportunity for customization. Need freebies for the game? Head to our Blade Ball Codes page for the most up-to-date list of them.

One of the most significant changes in this update is the overhaul of the User Interface. This revamp aims for better navigability and a more seamless interaction within the game. Alongside the UI change, several swords have been remodeled, giving players more aesthetically pleasing options for their in-game arsenal.

Players can now acquire two new packs via the game’s wheel feature, although the specifics of what these packs contain have not been outlined in the patch notes. Additionally, new abilities have been added to the game, offering more ways to outsmart opponents and tailor the game to one’s preferred playstyle. These abilities include FREEZE, WAYPOINT, and INFINITY, each of which will likely bring its own distinct impact on gameplay strategies.

Not to be outdone by abilities, several new weapon skins and finisher effects have been included. These additions allow players to stand out visually while they climb the ranks and master their skills. New skins such as SHATTERED SWORD, ESSENCE CLEAVER, and MOLTEN GREATBLADE come with special effects that promise to add flair to the game’s combat scenes. Additionally, a new limited sword, the WAVELIGHT GREATBLADE, comes with its own special emote and effects.

Maps in Blade Ball are a crucial part of the gameplay experience, and version 1.3 introduces a new addition called SNOWFIELD. Like other maps in the game, SNOWFIELD will provide its own unique setting where players’ skills will be put to the test. Complementing this are new kill effects, ARCTIC BLAST and RUNIC BLAST, which add additional visual appeal to the game’s combat.

Playtime awards have been re-added, including coin multipliers, further incentivizing players to spend more time in the game. The patch notes also mention that several bugs have likely been fixed, although it doesn’t go into specific details. A new code has also been added in this update, as well as a gifting feature, allowing for a more interactive community within the game.

Here’s the full list of changes from the official Discord server:

  • Completely new User Interface
  • A bunch of swords remodeled
  • 2 New packs obtainable via wheel
  • New ability: FREEZE
  • New ability: WAYPOINT
  • New ability: INFINITY
  • New limited: WAVELIGHT GREATBLADE (special emote + fx)
  • New skin: SHATTERED SWORD (special fx)
  • New skin: ESSENCE CLEAVER (special fx)
  • New skin: MOLTEN GREATBLADE (special fx)
  • New map: SNOWFIELD
  • New kill effect: ARCTIC BLAST
  • New kill effect: RUNIC BLAST
  • New playtime awards (re-added coin multipliers)
  • Fixed a lot of bugs probably
  • Added gifting