Payday 3 blasted on Steam as launch gets plagued by connection issues

Payday 3 has quickly been panned by its frustrated community on Steam following the game’s disastrous launch. Though numerous critics and fans initially praised the enhancements to Deep Silver’s latest bank-robbing FPS, these improvements were overshadowed by the prevalent opening-day connection issues that rendered the game virtually unplayable.

Predictably, many reviews left on the Payday 3 Steam page have primarily been negative, as the game’s constant server-side problems, paired with its always-online requirement, made joining a heist nearly impossible. So, instead of players being able to progress through the exciting Payday 3 heist list, most were instead left searching for ways on how to fix the Payday 3 Nebula connection data error.

In addition, Starbreeze Studios and Deep Silver’s unpopular decision to require a consistent Payday 3 internet connection was again under intense scrutiny, as even those who only wanted to play the game solo had to wait until the connection issues were resolved. Unfortunately, these matchmaking complications still seem to torment the player base as negative Steam reviews continue to be posted at an alarming rate.

The Payday 3 team has since announced through their official Twitter account that they’re “investigating” the increase in matchmaking issues and “working hard to restore functionality.” Sadly, it doesn’t seem like these problems will be addressed any time soon, as it appears the sheer number of players attempting to access the game is causing server downtime. Alas, if only there was an offline mode where you could play without having to worry about connectivity issues.

While you wait for the servers to get back up and running, check out our guides on the best assault build in Payday 3, the best Stealth build in Payday 3, and our Payday 3 Under the Surphaze stealth guide.