Starfield patch notes are finally here with performance increases

Starfield has just had its first update – and here are the patch notes. The update claims to offer stability and performance improvements to Bethesda’s space epic – which saw a fairly mixed reponse when it arrived, largely due to how poorly it was optimised for PC.

Starfield Update Version 1.7.29 – Fixes and Improvements

Performance and Stability

  • Xbox Series X|S Improved stability related to installations.
  • Various stability and performance improvements to reduce crashes and improve framerate.


  • All That Money Can Buy: Fixed an issue where player activity could result in a quest blocker.
  • Into the Unknown: Fixed an issue that could prevent the quest from appearing after the game is completed.
  • Shadows in Neon: Fixed an issue where player activity could result in a quest blocker.
Your game, Starfield, receives its long-awaited update with the release of patch notes.

The full patch notes are available via Steam, in which the developers mention that Nvidia DLSS support is en-route, with 32:9 ultrawide support soon to come.

The update is timely. We have been monitoring the fan reaction to the game since it launched, and it’s clear from Metacritic data that PC users especially are not happy with the performance. The game currently sits at a ‘mixed/average’ score of 6.5 on the site, so Bethesda will be hoping this patch is the first of many steps to improve the quality of the game.

Since the patch has been released, the overall reaction to it has been positive. A quick look on the Starfield sub-reddit, reveals hundreds of fans pleased that not only DLSS is coming to the game, but that care and attention is being focused on the PC version to ensure it’s as good as possible. One fan on the sub-reddit wrote: “DLSS confirmed coming. Nice that we won’t have to rely on a mod, and hopefully this nukes the paid mod.”

If you’re looking to see when we think the next Starfield patch will be, we’ve pulled together a handy prediction article based on what Bethesda has said. If you’re currently playing Starfield, or just want to get a bit more out of your journey around the Settled Systems, make sure to check out our detailed Starfield tips and tricks guide. If you’re already deep into your adventure, why not check out our Starfield Delivering Devils guide, or our handy Starfield quests list, which outlines all the missions and side quests in the game.