Ubisoft shooter XDefiant estimates release window for September or October

According to a lengthy official blog post from Mark Rubin, Ubisoft’s upcoming free to play shooter XDefiant has a new release window for “mid-to-end of September”, or possibly “early/mid-October” if a patch is necessary.

Today’s post goes through extensive efforts to break down the game’s submission process to first parties in a digestible way, so that fans can understand why a concrete release date still isn’t locked in.

XDefiant will be free to play, a first-person shooter with Arena and Progression modes, featuring factions from Ubisoft’s various worlds. This includes DedSec, Phantoms, Cleaners, and more. XDefiant will be available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. You can revisit a detailed gameplay overview in the deep dive trailer from last April:

Ubisoft may not have an especially novel premise with XDefiant, with so many shared universes going around these days. However, it’s still a highly promising one, certain to deliver lots of fan service while intriguing casual players with the free price tag.

XDefiant will even support cross-platform gameplay, according to the official website. This gives it proper multiplayer potential. Also, arena shooters like this are often missing the budget for such polished visuals. This should help XDefiant compete with the likes of SEGA’s shooter HYENAS, which has compelling maps, as seen in the Greed is Good trailer.

It’s a welcome surprise that Ubisoft continues to openly reveal so many updates during development, even when addressing things that might have disappointed the fanbase.

Today’s post proudly boasts about this transparency, which surely earns a lot of goodwill with prospective players. While delay posts have become increasingly popular, XDefiant has been properly consistent.

Today’s update gives plenty of justifying details that fans will appreciate, when the game was originally expected in summer. It’s fortunate to learn that XDefiant is not currently scrambling, or in need of extensive polishing, and simply fixing up issues that arose during first-party submission.

You can read more about XDefiant and Ubisoft’s other big updates and titles by checking out the rest of our news section.

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